Recovering Passwords by Measuring Residual Heat

Researchers have used thermal cameras and ML guessing techniques to recover passwords from measuring the residual heat left by fingers on keyboards. From the abstract:

We detail the implementation of ThermoSecure and make a dataset of 1,500 thermal images of keyboards with heat traces resulting from input publicly available. Our first study shows that ThermoSecure successfully attacks 6-symbol, 8-symbol, 12-symbol, and 16-symbol passwords with an average accuracy of 92%, 80%, 71%, and 55% respectively, and even higher accuracy when thermal images are taken within 30 seconds. We found that typing behavior significantly impacts vulnerability to thermal attacks, where hunt-and-peck typists are more vulnerable than fast typists (92% vs 83% thermal attack success if performed within 30 seconds). The second study showed that the keycaps material has a statistically significant effect on the effectiveness of thermal attacks: ABS keycaps retain the thermal trace of users presses for a longer period of time, making them more vulnerable to thermal attacks, with a 52% average attack accuracy compared to 14% for keyboards with PBT keycaps…

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Is a sufficiently long password unsafe just because it only consists of 2-3 letter long mixed-case dictionary words and numbers?

Entropy/Length/Complexity of a password is pretty straight forward and cant really vary much.
For Dictionary Similarity, i would assume that a software just checks how many characters in a password would need to change to match any Diction… Continue reading Is a sufficiently long password unsafe just because it only consists of 2-3 letter long mixed-case dictionary words and numbers?

What is the best way to calculate true password entropy for human created passwords?

Okay, I know it might seem this has already been beaten to death but, hear me out. I am including a fairly good password strength algorithm for my app for users on sign-up. This one, which I’ve copied (with minor adjustments). I also want … Continue reading What is the best way to calculate true password entropy for human created passwords?

Should one reject login attempts when the correct password is newly added to a password deny list?

Best practices say that when users choose a password (at signup or when changing an existing password), the application should reject that password if it appears on a list of passwords known to be unsafe. For example, NIST Special Publicat… Continue reading Should one reject login attempts when the correct password is newly added to a password deny list?