How can you calculate the entropy of arbitrary password rules with known distributions? [duplicate]

Many online entropy calculators make certain assumptions (like assuming a password is as rare as the set of random characters that will generate it), or handwave away the math. I want to know how to calculate the entropy of a password dist… Continue reading How can you calculate the entropy of arbitrary password rules with known distributions? [duplicate]

Passkeys, going passwordless, and the future of authentication

There are a variety of roadblocks associated with moving to passwordless authentication. Foremost is that people hate change. End users push back when you ask them to abandon the familiar password-based login page, while app owners resist changing them… Continue reading Passkeys, going passwordless, and the future of authentication

Why do I need to provide authentication when accessing a browser’s built-in password manager?

Why do I have to provide authentication when I want to read a password stored in my own web browser while I have to do nothing to read the same password on a site’s login page?
Is my conclusion correct that asking the user for a PIN is poi… Continue reading Why do I need to provide authentication when accessing a browser’s built-in password manager?