Is there any benefit to use different salt for different encryption algorithms for same user

There is two different passwords for a single user.
I’m hashing both for future validation. I’m currently using a single unique salt for the user, but each is hashed with a different algorithms (PBKDF2 with different algorithm and differen… Continue reading Is there any benefit to use different salt for different encryption algorithms for same user

Optimal way to securely store password on client with server invalidation but not knowledge

A number of similar questions have been asked about this general topic before (e.g. How to store user credentials in browser securely?), but I wanted to seek some clarification on a specific scenario.
I have what is essentially a stateless… Continue reading Optimal way to securely store password on client with server invalidation but not knowledge

Is ISP sending WiFi password in plain text to phone necessarily a bad sign?

The new router I was given by my internet and phone provider can only be configured via their website. I logged in and went to the page where you can set things like the SSID and password for the WiFi signal, and changed some of the settin… Continue reading Is ISP sending WiFi password in plain text to phone necessarily a bad sign?

Choosing Encryption Strategies for Secure Long-Term Storage of Sensitive Data

When considering external drives for secure long-term storage of sensitive data, what are the pros and cons of using the same password for encrypting all files versus using random passwords for each file (or junk of files), and how does th… Continue reading Choosing Encryption Strategies for Secure Long-Term Storage of Sensitive Data

Enterprises persist with outdated authentication strategies

Despite authentication being a cornerstone of cybersecurity, risk mitigation strategies remain outdated, according to new research from Enzoic. With the attack surface expanding and the increasing sophistication of cyber threats, organizations are stru… Continue reading Enterprises persist with outdated authentication strategies

How could the contents of multiple LastPass vaults be compromised?

According to this newly published article:

Now, it appears that the LastPass hack has led cybercriminals to steal over $35 million in cryptocurrencies.

Nick Bax, director of analytics at Unciphered, has been reviewing a huge quantity … Continue reading How could the contents of multiple LastPass vaults be compromised?

Is there a good reason offline brute force attacks work on the lastpass database of random passwords? [closed]

It is reported that it seems people are brute forcing the lastpass database and extracting cryptocurrency seeds.

A basic functionality of LastPass is that it will pick and remember lengthy, complex passwords for each of your websites or o… Continue reading Is there a good reason offline brute force attacks work on the lastpass database of random passwords? [closed]