e-nose designed to detect Parkinson’s disease in skin odor

The device measures concentrations of volatile organic compounds in the sebum produced by the skin's sebaceous glands

By the time that Parkinson’s disease is causing observable symptoms such as loss of muscle control, it’s often advanced to the stage that it’s difficult to treat. In an effort to detect the disease earlier, scientists have developed an “electronic nose” that sniffs it out.

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Stimulating specific neurons could improve Parkinson’s patients mobility

Researchers have identified specific neurons in the brain that could be stimulated to help improve the mobility of Parkinson's patients

Researchers at the University of Copenhagen have identified a specific set of neurons in the brainstem that, when stimulated by electric pulses, can help improve the mobility of patients with Parkinson’s disease.

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Live view of mysterious Parkinson’s protein points to new treatments

Artist's impression of degenerating neurons

For around a decade, scientists researching Parkinson’s disease have been probing a pathway involved in the way brain cells process energy, and now a mystery around the role of a particular protein has been solved. The team has produced an unprecedented “live action” view that shows how this protein is activated, providing researchers with a blueprint for therapies that help prevent cell death associated with the condition.

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Refined peptide takes aim at root cause of Parkinson’s disease

Scientists have developed a novel peptide that can prevent misfolding proteins associated with Parkinson's disease

Misfolding alpha-synuclein (αS) proteins are considered key players in the development of Parkinson’s disease, giving rise to toxic clumps called Lewy bodies that kill off important brain cells. As such, a lot of research focuses on preventing this type of protein dysfunction, and scientists at the University of Bath have now made a breakthrough with the development of a finely engineered peptide, which produced “very exciting” results in early experiments.

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New drug protects neurons to alleviate Parkinson’s symptoms in mice

Scientists have developed a new drug that protects key neurons against toxic stress and inflammation that drives Parkinson's symptoms

With no cure to speak of, scientists are exploring every avenue possible when it comes improving therapies for Parkinson’s disease, a condition affecting more than 10 million people around the world. A new study has opened up a promising pathway in this area, pinpointing a protein that plays a regulatory role in the neurodegeneration associated with the condition, and showing how it can be inhibited to protect key cells from damage.

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New evidence shows how viral infections could promote Alzheimer’s

The lab-based research found certain viral molecules could enhance the aggregation of toxic proteins linked with several neurodegenerative diseases

Building on a growing body of evidence linking viral infections with neurodegenerative disease, a new study published in Nature Communications has demonstrated how certain molecules on the surfaces of viruses can promote the aggregation of toxic proteins associated with diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

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Viral infections in teenagers linked to later onset of multiple sclerosis

It is hypothesized a severe viral infection in adolescence can trigger a cascade of neuroinflammation leading to the onset of neurological disease years, or even decades, later

A pair of new studies are building on a growing hypothesis that the neurological disease multiple sclerosis (MS) can be triggered by viral infections in a person’s teenage years. The research indicates serious adolescent infections such as glandular fever are associated with higher rates of MS diagnoses, and concerns are being raised as to whether the current COVID-19 pandemic could lead to a surge in MS cases in the future.

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Deep brain stimulation advance extends relief from Parkinson’s symptoms

Researchers continue to push the envelope in terms of how deep brain stimulation can treat Parksin

For several decades surgeons have been using deep brain stimulation (DBS) to treat severe Parkinson’s disease, delivering mild electric currents to parts of the brain to alleviate motor symptoms. A new study has marked a significant step forward for the technology, with researchers having upped the precision to target specific types of cells, which sees the effects of the therapy last several times as long in animal models.

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Scientists give lab-grown mini-brains Parkinson’s disease

Tiny lab-grown mini-brains have now been induced to show pathology features of Parkinson's disease

To help us crack the complex puzzle that is our own brains, scientists have been growing miniature versions in the lab. Now, a team in Singapore has made a major breakthrough by growing mini-brains with the pathological features of Parkinson’s disease for the first time, potentially paving the way towards better treatments.

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Dementia-fighting experimental drug moves to human trials

A new drug called SAK3 has shown promising preclinical results in animal models of Alzheimer's and Lewy Body dementia

After years of preclinical work, Japanese researchers have announced a new kind of drug treatment for dementia and Alzheimer’s disease is ready to move to human clinical trials. A number of animal studies have shown the novel drug to improve cognition and reduce signs of neurodegeneration in a number of dementia-causing diseases.

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