BitDam Study Exposes High Miss Rates of Leading Email Security Systems

Imagine receiving an email from US VP Mike Pence’s official email account asking for help because he has been stranded in the Philippines.

Actually, you don’t have to. This actually happened.

Pence’s email was hacked when he was still the governor of… Continue reading BitDam Study Exposes High Miss Rates of Leading Email Security Systems

Cybersecurity at Banks a Different Kind of Holiday Stress

Regardless of how they are made or who may be at fault when fraudulent transactions occur, the buck stops at the desks of cybersecurity professionals working at banks and financial institutions. A recent survey of 1,000 U.S. consumers conducted by Ter… Continue reading Cybersecurity at Banks a Different Kind of Holiday Stress

13 Retail Payment Security Tips for Safe 2019 Holiday Shopping

The holiday shopping season brings a spike in payment security threats for both consumers and retailers. Here are 13 ways to protect your sensitive data against retail cybercrime this year.

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Orvis data leak and the need to monitor ‘paste’ sites

Fishing retailer Orvis had a serious (and embarrassing) data breach recently. Independent security researchers found a posting on text snippet site Pastebin with what appeared…
The post Orvis data leak and the need to monitor ‘paste’ sites appeared f… Continue reading Orvis data leak and the need to monitor ‘paste’ sites

US DoJ guidance on responding to and reporting cyber incidents

When thinking about how to respond to cyber security incidents, you need to think about how your organization will engage with law enforcement – and…
The post US DoJ guidance on responding to and reporting cyber incidents appeared first on Secu… Continue reading US DoJ guidance on responding to and reporting cyber incidents