AI and the evolution of surveillance systems

In this Help Net Security interview, Gerwin van der Lugt, CTO at Oddity, discusses the future of surveillance and AI’s influence. He also delves into how organizations can prevent their systems from perpetuating biases or violating individual rig… Continue reading AI and the evolution of surveillance systems

Both Explanation And Build For This Artwork Are Beautiful

Sometimes you encounter projects that defy description, as is the case with this one. So perhaps it’s best to start with what this project is NOT. It is not a sphere. It is not a perpetual energy device. It has neither a sloppy build nor a slapdash video. This IS a motorized rhombicuboctahedron that is a well-explained with high-quality parts and loving attention to detail by [Wolfram Glatthar]. At its heart is an exercise in building a moving device with the barest minimum of friction. Without no grinding in the mechanism, the electronics will probably wear out first. Low friction …read more

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