Bluebox-ng, Stock Data Breaches, and CommitStrip- Application Security Weekly #32

 Alpine Linux hit with bug that can lead to Poisoned Containers, data breaches affect stock performance in the long run, Bluebox-ng, a Node.js VoIP pentesting framework, and CommitStrip: It’s Not an App! News Bugs, Breaches, and More! 1.) Alpine… Continue reading Bluebox-ng, Stock Data Breaches, and CommitStrip- Application Security Weekly #32

Don’t Look Now, But Your Necklace is Listening

There was a time when the average person was worried about the government or big corporations listening in on their every word. It was a quaint era, full of whimsy and superstition. Today, a good deal of us are paying for the privilege to have constantly listening microphones in multiple rooms of our house, largely so we can avoid having to use our hands to turn the lights on and off. Amazing what a couple years and a strong advertising push can do.

So if we’re going to be funneling everything we say to one or more of our corporate …read more

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Explained: regular expression (regex)

What is regular expression (regex) and what makes it vulnerable to attack? Learn how to use regex safely and avoid ReDoS attacks in the process.


Tags: ddosJavaScriptnode.jsredosregexsearchservervulnerability

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Recent ESLint hack or how can we protect ourselves from installing malicious npm packages?

Recently, eslint-scope and eslint-config-eslint packages were hacked in an interesting way – one of the maintainer’s account was compromised by an attacker and a new “patch” version with the malicious code was published to th… Continue reading Recent ESLint hack or how can we protect ourselves from installing malicious npm packages?