[SANS ISC] Python Backdoor Talking to a C2 Through Ngrok

I published the following diary on isc.sans.edu: “Python Backdoor Talking to a C2 Through Ngrok“: I spotted a malicious Python script that implements a backdoor. The interesting behavior is the use of Ngrok to connect to the C2 server. Ngrok has been used for a while by attackers. Like most

The post [SANS ISC] Python Backdoor Talking to a C2 Through Ngrok appeared first on /dev/random.

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Scammers Disguise Two Domains as CDN to Cloak Credit Card Skimmer

Scammers disguised two domains as a content delivery network (CDN) in an attempt to quietly target visitors with a credit card skimmer. Malwarebytes noticed something suspicious within the website code of a Parisian boutique store. At first, the script… Continue reading Scammers Disguise Two Domains as CDN to Cloak Credit Card Skimmer