Android Fragmentation Sinks Patching Gains

One year after kicking off monthly Android security updates and Google still is way behind Apple when it comes to patching. Continue reading Android Fragmentation Sinks Patching Gains

Google Ships Android 7.0 Nougat Factory and OTA Images for Nexus Devices

Google this week provided the Android 7.0 Nougat factory and OTA images for its Nexus devices, providing Nexus owners with the ability to easily upgrade or reset their devices with the latest Android version.
The post Google Ships Android 7.0 Nougat Fa… Continue reading Google Ships Android 7.0 Nougat Factory and OTA Images for Nexus Devices

A Few Thoughts Ahead of the 2016 iPhone Event (Premium Only)

On Wednesday, Apple is going to announce the iPhone 7, and I’m going to spend the day on Twitter skewering them and their terrible marketing as they so richly deserve. But before this time of great frivolity, it is perhaps worth remembering and examini… Continue reading A Few Thoughts Ahead of the 2016 iPhone Event (Premium Only)

Interesting Switch Autopsy

We put a lot of trust into some amazingly cheap components, sometimes that trust is very undeserved. Long gone are the days when every electronic component was a beautifully constructed precision lab instrument.  As [Rupert Hirst] shows, this can be a hard lesson to learn for even the biggest companies.

[Rupert]’s Nexus 5 was suffering from a well known reboot issue. He traced it to the phone’s power switch. It was always shorting to ground, even though it clicked like it was supposed to.

He desoldered the switch and pried the delicate sheet metal casing apart. Inside were four components. …read more

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