Breaking Bad: DevOpsSec to DevSecOps

Editor’s Note: This post came from an energetic session at All Day DevOps. Don’t miss the upcoming All Day DevOps | Spring Break, a free event on April 17. New television series spoilers might be available, there, too — you’ll need to r… Continue reading Breaking Bad: DevOpsSec to DevSecOps

Ryan Lockard Names the Seven Deadly Sins of DevSecOps [VIDEO]

Editor’s Note: Ryan’s story is included in “Epic Failures in DevSecOps, Volume 2”, available for free download.

“It is said in Roman Catholicism that each of the seven deadly sins is uniquely bad. Any time one of these sins are committed, we must… Continue reading Ryan Lockard Names the Seven Deadly Sins of DevSecOps [VIDEO]

How to Access npm Packages After Securing Nexus Repository Manager

This article addresses those who are using, or having interest in using, Nexus Repository Manager as their package manager for npm packages, Docker images, etc., but also for those who are curious about Nexus security.
The post How to Access npm P… Continue reading How to Access npm Packages After Securing Nexus Repository Manager

Sladjana Jovanovic and Bill McArthur Move Silos to Communities [VIDEO]

Editor’s Note: The chapter, “From Silos to Communities” is included in Epic Failures in DevSecOps, Volume 2, which is available for free download.

“What Bill didn’t talk about was that this pod was technically improving the platform in a wa… Continue reading Sladjana Jovanovic and Bill McArthur Move Silos to Communities [VIDEO]

Sonatype’s Commitment to Customers and Employees During COVID-19

As a Sonatype Nexus customer, your success has always been our relentless focus. In this moment, with the global spread of COVID-19, we add the health and well-being of you and your family to this concern. I am emailing to share a few thoughts and… Continue reading Sonatype’s Commitment to Customers and Employees During COVID-19

Microsoft Acquires npm: A Healthy Move for Critical Public Infrastructure

Today, news broke that GitHub and its parent company Microsoft, acquired npm and its public repository of open source JavaScript packages.
In 2018 when Microsoft acquired Github, many in the developer community had a cautious, even emotional respo… Continue reading Microsoft Acquires npm: A Healthy Move for Critical Public Infrastructure

The Benefits of Remote Work Beyond Avoiding the Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Public health officials are advising people to working remotely, if they can, as one way to avoid contracting Coronavirus and #flattenthecurve. We hope those that can work remotely, do. Yet, for many, working from home is a novel experience.
Here … Continue reading The Benefits of Remote Work Beyond Avoiding the Coronavirus (COVID-19)

“Each for Equal”: 2020 International Women’s Day Theme Resonates in DevSecOps Because It Is a Business Issue

“Equality is not a women’s issue, it’s a business issue.” — International Women’s Day website
International Women’s Day began in America in 1911; today, millions of people around the globe mark March 8 as a day of action t… Continue reading “Each for Equal”: 2020 International Women’s Day Theme Resonates in DevSecOps Because It Is a Business Issue