Why Network Visibility Is Critical for Today’s Compliance Mandates

Without network visibility, organizations run the risk of mishandling customers’ personal data and running afoul of new compliance mandates.

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Is Corporate VPN Security Dead?

Corporate VPN security still plays a vital role in protecting enterprise networks, but it is no longer sufficient to prevent unauthorized third-party or privileged access on its own.

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Strengthening Cybersecurity’s Weakest Links With Deep Network Insights

With the right SIEM solution, organizations can generate deep network insights to gain visibility into security weaknesses and determine when and where critical assets are most vulnerable.

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When Blocking and Tackling Strategies Fail, Take a Page Out of the Threat Hunting Playbook

Many organizations still rely on reactive blocking and tackling strategies, but proactive threat hunting is the only way to detect the type of chatter that is indicative of an impending attack.

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Cybersecurity – a top risk management priority for senior execs, but only on paper

As bad actors continue to hone their skills and governments keep raising the penalty for getting breached, large organizations across the globe seem to be doing little to mitigate the risks associated with cybercrime – despite knowing better… Continue reading Cybersecurity – a top risk management priority for senior execs, but only on paper

Why CISOs should understand the threat landscape to bolster security in 2018

Doctors can’t prescribe proper treatment for patients without identifying and analyzing symptoms to make a clinical diagnosis. It’s the same for CISOs, who are responsible for their organization’s digital health.
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Businesses rushing to adopt new tech are opening more doors to hackers – research

While modern technology makes possible new business models to drive growth and profitability, digital transformation opens your business to more cybersecurity risks, according to a survey by Thales and 451 Research.
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Take a Dive: Deep Network Insights for Deeper Analytics

Security analysts need access to deep network insights in the form of user behavior analytics to unlock the full potential of technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning.

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Now Trending: Your 2018 Network Security Snapshot

The top network security trends for security professionals to monitor in 2018 include the evolution of AI, cryptocurrency crime, serverless apps, digital twins, the IoT and more.

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Closing ATM Network Security Gaps to Stop Fraudsters in Their Tracks

Banks are already privy to the threat of physical breaches, but many remain unaware of the ATM network security gaps that could enable fraudsters to access their systems.

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