Using real-time monitoring to identify and mitigate threats

From identifying unusual behavior patterns to detecting unauthorized access, real-time monitoring provides a view of your digital environment, ensuring that threats are spotted and dealt with before they can cause harm. In this Help Net Security video,… Continue reading Using real-time monitoring to identify and mitigate threats

Netdata, a monitoring startup with 50 year old founder, announces $17M Series A

Nearly everything about Netdata, makers of open source monitoring tool, defies standard thinking about startups. Consider that the founder is a polished, experienced 50-year old executive, who started his company several years ago when he became frustrated by what he was seeing in the monitoring tools space. Like any good founder, he decided to build […] Continue reading Netdata, a monitoring startup with 50 year old founder, announces $17M Series A

Netdata: Distributed real-time performance and health monitoring

Netdata is a system for distributed real-time performance and health monitoring. It provides real-time insight of everything happening on the system it runs (including applications such as web and database servers), using modern interactive web dashboards. Netdata 1.8.0, released yesterday, focuses on metrics streaming improvements and containers monitoring. Streaming improvements Bug fix: streaming slaves consuming 100% CPU The software, as a slave, was not handling all the error cases properly, resulting in 100% cpu utilization … More Continue reading Netdata: Distributed real-time performance and health monitoring