Reforming CDA 230

There’s a serious debate on reforming Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. I am in the process of figuring out what I believe, and this is more a place to put resources and listen to people’s comments. The EFF has written extensively on why it is so important and dismantling it will be catastrophic for the Internet. Danielle Citron… Continue reading Reforming CDA 230

DHS Mandates Federal Agencies to Run Vulnerability Disclosure Policy

The DHS is requiring all federal agencies to develop a vulnerability disclosure policy. The goal is that people who discover vulnerabilities in government systems have a mechanism for reporting them to someone who might actually do something about it. The devil is in the details, of course, but this is a welcome development. The DHS is seeking public feedback…. Continue reading DHS Mandates Federal Agencies to Run Vulnerability Disclosure Policy

Technology and Policymakers

Technologists and policymakers largely inhabit two separate worlds. It’s an old problem, one that the British scientist CP Snow identified in a 1959 essay entitled The Two Cultures. He called them sciences and humanities, and pointed to the split as a major hindrance to solving the world’s problems. The essay was influential — but 60 years later, nothing has changed…. Continue reading Technology and Policymakers

Former FBI General Counsel Jim Baker Chooses Encryption Over Backdoors

In an extraordinary essay, the former FBI general counsel Jim Baker makes the case for strong encryption over government-mandated backdoors: In the face of congressional inaction, and in light of the magnitude of the threat, it is time for governmental authoritiesĀ­ — including law enforcementĀ­ — to embrace encryption because it is one of the few mechanisms that the United… Continue reading Former FBI General Counsel Jim Baker Chooses Encryption Over Backdoors

Former FBI General Counsel Jim Baker Chooses Encryption Over Backdoors

In an extraordinary essay, the former FBI general counsel Jim Baker makes the case for strong encryption over government-mandated backdoors: In the face of congressional inaction, and in light of the magnitude of the threat, it is time for governmental… Continue reading Former FBI General Counsel Jim Baker Chooses Encryption Over Backdoors

NSA on the Future of National Cybersecurity

Glenn Gerstell, the General Counsel of the NSA, wrote a long and interesting op-ed for the New York Times where he outlined a long list of cyber risks facing the US. There are four key implications of this revolution that policymakers in the national security sector will need to address: The first is that the unprecedented scale and pace of… Continue reading NSA on the Future of National Cybersecurity