myDevices’ new panic button technology eliminates the dead zone problem

In 2018, the American Hotel & Lodging Association (AHLA) announced a new workplace safety initiative designed to provide emergency communications and location-based services for employees in the hospitality industry. Backed by major hotels – inclu… Continue reading myDevices’ new panic button technology eliminates the dead zone problem

myDevices and Microsoft collaborate to connect LoRaWAN devices to Microsoft Azure

myDevices, the IoT solutions company, announced a powerful collaboration with Microsoft that empowers users to onboard hundreds of LoRaWAN devices to instantly send data directly to Microsoft Azure. myDevices has amassed one of the most extensive known… Continue reading myDevices and Microsoft collaborate to connect LoRaWAN devices to Microsoft Azure

CES17: Arduino Unveils LoRa Modules For The Internet Of Things

WiFi and Bluetooth were never meant to be the radios used by a billion Internet of Things hats, umbrellas, irrigation systems, or any other device that makes a worldwide network of things interesting. The best radio for IoT is something lightweight which operates in the sub-Gigahertz range, doesn’t need a lot of bandwidth, and doesn’t suck down the power like WiFi. For the last few years, a new low-power wireless communication standard has been coming on the scene, and now this protocol — LoRa — will soon be available in an Arduino form factor.

The Primo, and NRF

It’s not …read more

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