Error: Inavlid template facebook.apk while using metasploit for hacking android

I am learning ethical hacking recently. I installed Metasploit on my Ubuntu system. While I’m building the payload, I’m getting the following error message:

error : Invalid template:facebook.apk

I’m using another signed apk file (like F… Continue reading Error: Inavlid template facebook.apk while using metasploit for hacking android

msfvenom produces different op codes when format is given with ‘c’ instead of ‘python’

I still do not understand the msfvenom format ( -f ) parameter regarding the resulting op codes. I do not understand why a payload consists of different op codes when the format ( -f ) is different, whereas all other paramete… Continue reading msfvenom produces different op codes when format is given with ‘c’ instead of ‘python’