RFID From First Principles and Saving a Cat

[Dale Cook] has cats, and as he readily admits, cats are jerks. We’d use stronger language than that, but either way it became a significant impediment to making progress with …read more Continue reading RFID From First Principles and Saving a Cat

A Single-Resistor Radio Transmitter, Thanks to the Power of Noise

One of the great things about the Hackaday community is how quickly you find out what you don’t know. That’s not a bad thing, of course; after all, everyone is …read more Continue reading A Single-Resistor Radio Transmitter, Thanks to the Power of Noise

Impatience is a Virtue When Testing This Old Maritime Teleprinter

[Larry Wall], inventor of Perl, once famously said that programmers have three key virtues: sloth, hubris, and impatience. It’s safe to say that these personality quirks are also present in …read more Continue reading Impatience is a Virtue When Testing This Old Maritime Teleprinter

Side-Channel Attack Turns Power Supply into Speakers

If you work in a secure facility, the chances are pretty good that any computer there is going to be stripped to the minimum complement of peripherals. After all, the fewer parts that a computer has, the fewer things that can be turned into air-gap breaching transducers, right? So no …read more

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Building a New RF Remote from Scratch

We’ve seen no shortage of projects that use the ESP8266 or ESP32 to add “smart” features to existing home appliances, often by pairing the microcontroller with a radio or IR transmitter. If your device has an existing remote, integrating it into a custom home automation system is often just a …read more

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A Dangerous Demonstration of the Power of Radio

Terrestrial radio may be a dying medium, but there are still plenty of listeners out there. What would a commute to or from work be without a check of “Traffic on the Eights” to see if you need to alter your route, or an update of the scores from yesterday’s …read more

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