CoinHive Miner Virus Outbreak Has Infected 170,000 Routers

The Coinhive Miner virus has infected hundreds of thousands MikroTik routers. The malware has now reportedly installed a JavaScript miner to over 170,000 devices and this recent outbreak is believed to be getting bigger and bigger. The first hint of…… Continue reading CoinHive Miner Virus Outbreak Has Infected 170,000 Routers

DDoS Attacks Get Bigger, Smarter and More Diverse

DDoS attacks is relentless. New techniques, new targets and a new class of attackers continue to reinvigorate one of the internet’s oldest nemesis. Continue reading DDoS Attacks Get Bigger, Smarter and More Diverse

Malware hits 500k IoT devices, Talos reports

A week ago, leading cyber threat intelligence team Cisco Talos reported that no less than 500,000 IoT devices in up to 54 countries were infected by new malware called VPNFilter. An earlier version, believed to be launched by a nation-state, targeted … Continue reading Malware hits 500k IoT devices, Talos reports

FBI: Kindly Reboot Your Router Now, Please

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is warning that a new malware threat has rapidly infected more than a half-million consumer devices. To help arrest the spread of the malware, the FBI and security firms are urging home Internet users to r… Continue reading FBI: Kindly Reboot Your Router Now, Please

Mirai Variant Targets Financial Sector With IoT DDoS Attacks

Researchers said a Mirai botnet variant, possibly linked to the IoTroop or Reaper botnet, was leveraged in attacks against the financial sector. Continue reading Mirai Variant Targets Financial Sector With IoT DDoS Attacks

Hackers Prepping IOTroop Botnet with Exploits

Researchers warn that hackers have weaponized a vulnerability that could be used in an IOTroop (or Reaper) attack, bringing the likelihood of an attack one step closer. Continue reading Hackers Prepping IOTroop Botnet with Exploits

‘IOTroop’ Botnet Could Dwarf Mirai in Size and Devastation, Says Researcher

Malware dubbed IOTroop that researchers say is “worse than Mirai” has already infected one million businesses worldwide. Continue reading ‘IOTroop’ Botnet Could Dwarf Mirai in Size and Devastation, Says Researcher