Agent Tesla Keylogger via fake new Order using Equation Editor RTF exploit

Something slightly different to start with this morning. There is nothing special about the email lure, but the attached word doc seems to be  a bit different to the ones we are used to seeing with equation editor exploits.  I don’t know if this … Continue reading Agent Tesla Keylogger via fake new Order using Equation Editor RTF exploit

Urgent Order for october Shipment needed delivers Pony / Fareit

Nothing exceptionally special about this malware campaign delivering Pony / fareit trojan. An email with the subject of  “Urgent Order for october Shipment needed” pretending to come from AL-HASSANA TRADING LTD <>… Continue reading Urgent Order for october Shipment needed delivers Pony / Fareit

Lokibot campaign 17 September 2018

We are starting this Monday Morning with a Lokibot campaign being delivered via malicious word  docs, actually RTF files using CVE-2017-11882 Microsoft equation editor exploits.  I am seeing various email subjects. I have received 2 of each version so … Continue reading Lokibot campaign 17 September 2018

Fake ” ENQUIRY NO-64743″ malspam using multiple exploits delivers malware.

An email with the subject of  ” ENQUIRY NO-64743″ pretending to come from  “”  with a malicious word doc attachment eventually  delivers some sort of malware that looks like a keylogger or password ste… Continue reading Fake ” ENQUIRY NO-64743″ malspam using multiple exploits delivers malware.

Slight changes to Trickbot delivery system

Over the last week of so, there has been  a bit of  a change to the Trickbot delivery system. For quite a while they used the Microsoft Equation Editor Exploit CVE-2017-11882 in word docs to deliver the payload. Sometimes using 2 or 3 different exploit… Continue reading Slight changes to Trickbot delivery system


An email with the subject of “FW: URGENT PAYMENT FOR OVERDUE INVOICES” pretending to come from  FINANCE <> with both  a malicious word doc  and an Excel XLS spreadsheet attachment  delivers Formbook. These attachments… Continue reading Fake URGENT PAYMENT FOR OVERDUE INVOICES delivers formbook