Formbook campaigns continue via malspam emails

A quick post detailing another Formbook campaign with what looks like a few changes.Recently the criminals distributing this malware have been using .exe files inside various forms of archive, including .iso, .ace, .rar. ,zip. Frequently they use vario… Continue reading Formbook campaigns continue via malspam emails

Fake Quotation Request with malformed RTF file attachments delivering Lokibot

Another day and yet another malformed. malicious word doc attachment that is a renamed RTF file delivering Lokibot malware. These criminal gangs are really playing around with RTF files and constantly changing the header control word to try to bypass A… Continue reading Fake Quotation Request with malformed RTF file attachments delivering Lokibot

Formbook from fake order via complicated chain using multiple equation editor exploits

Another Formbook campaign this morning using a somewhat complicated and devious chain to get on the victim’s computer. It all starts with a very basic & simple email that pretends to be an order but contains what appear to be a set of previou… Continue reading Formbook from fake order via complicated chain using multiple equation editor exploits

Formbook via fake Unicredit Bank swift transfer using different malformed RTF files

I can’t remember previously seeing a malware delivery campaign using a malformed, malicious RTF file like this one. It definitely is using one of the multiple Equation Editor exploits.There is some dispute on VirusTotal whether it is  CVE-2017-11… Continue reading Formbook via fake Unicredit Bank swift transfer using different malformed RTF files

Agent Tesla reborn via fake order

Following on from this post from last week. We are seeing another what looks like Hawkeye  or Agent Tesla keylogger campaign using identical methods. All the same sites and hosting companies are involved with the same possibility of the DNS on Godaddy … Continue reading Agent Tesla reborn via fake order

More Lokibot via fake Maersk Quotation / Invoice

Following on from my slightly earlier post about Lokibot, this is yet another version with 2  XLS spreadsheet attachments coming in a fake Overdue Invoices November – December 2018 email. This version uses CVE-2017-11882 or is trying to, but only… Continue reading More Lokibot via fake Maersk Quotation / Invoice

Some changes to malicious RTF docs delivering Hawkeye

I am seeing a bit of changes today from the scumbags who are distributing the Hawkeye Keylogger Trojan. The  email template is a typical fake Purchase Order with a malicious word doc attachment. The word doc is actually a RTF that uses the CVE-2017-118… Continue reading Some changes to malicious RTF docs delivering Hawkeye

megalodon delivered via fake purchase oder via compromised Godaddy DNS settings

A slightly interesting and unusual malware delivery to report first today. First we note the spelling mistake in the subject line “Purchase Oder”, then the body content when the email is delivered to the prospective victim. Please read the … Continue reading megalodon delivered via fake purchase oder via compromised Godaddy DNS settings

Fake Payment Receipt delivers Nanocore RAT malware

We frequently see this sort of generic Malicious Spam email with an office file attachment that acts as a downloader for all sorts of malware. Today’s example is an email with the subject of [Your Email Address] RE:Payment Receipt for your refere… Continue reading Fake Payment Receipt delivers Nanocore RAT malware

Fake DHL READ : (DHL Express) -Delivery Address Confirmation delivers Remcos Rat

Yet another fake or spoofed DHL delivery notification delivering what today turns out to be Remcos RAT . An email with the subject of “READ : (DHL Express) -Delivery Address Confirmation” Pretending to come  from <nore… Continue reading Fake DHL READ : (DHL Express) -Delivery Address Confirmation delivers Remcos Rat