Adopting Microsegmentation Into Your Zero Trust Model, Part 3

This is the third and final part in a series on zero trust and microsegmentation. Be sure to check out Parts 1 and 2. The customer relationship used to be circular — you marketed your products to customers, they purchased products, your company provided customer service as needed and then you marketed additional products to […]

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Why Developers Are Writing Apps on Our Edge Platform

A lot of companies talk about edge computing today, but at Akamai, we’ve been doing it for more than 20 years. We were the first company to offer edge computing services, beginning in 1999 with advanced metadata, an XML-based language used to enable a variety of capabilities on our edge platform — things like access revocation, ad insertion, throttling and visitor prioritization. Continue reading Why Developers Are Writing Apps on Our Edge Platform

Why Developers Are Writing Apps on Our Edge Platform

A lot of companies talk about edge computing today, but at Akamai, we’ve been doing it for more than 20 years. We were the first company to offer edge computing services, beginning in 1999 with advanced metadata, an XML-based language used to enable a … Continue reading Why Developers Are Writing Apps on Our Edge Platform

Testing Tips for Today’s Distributed Cloud Environments

If you’re taking full advantage of today’s distributed cloud environments for your software development, you may be wasting more time than necessary when testing and debugging your applications.
The post Testing Tips for Today’s Distributed Cloud … Continue reading Testing Tips for Today’s Distributed Cloud Environments

5 Cloud Security Must-Haves in 2021

Organizations undertaking the move to the cloud face a blizzard of sometimes confusing buzzwords. There’s hybrid cloud, multicloud, digital transformation, microservices and so much more. While these terms can be confusing, the key element to keep in mind is that cloud data security should be an inherent part of business-level strategy and discussion for any […]

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C-level executives driving the adoption of MACH across their organizations

Out with the old, in with MACH. That’s what a poll of global IT leaders found regarding their plans to revamp, or retain, their enterprise architectures. The research, conducted by DJS Research, polled senior level technology decision makers (CIO… Continue reading C-level executives driving the adoption of MACH across their organizations

Assuming secure code practices are adhered to, is a thousand-tier/n-tier microservices application or a monolithic application more secure? [closed]

Assuming secure code practices are all adhered to for both applications, is a thousand-tier/n-tier microservices application or a monolithic application more secure?
From a monitoring, visibility standpoint, etc. I am trying to understand … Continue reading Assuming secure code practices are adhered to, is a thousand-tier/n-tier microservices application or a monolithic application more secure? [closed]