[SANS ISC] Malware Delivered Through MHT Files

I published the following diary on isc.sans.edu: “Malware Delivered Through MHT Files“: What are MHT files? Microsoft is a wonderful source of multiple file formats. MHT files are web page archives. Usually, a web page is based on a piece of HTML code with links to external resources, images and other

[The post [SANS ISC] Malware Delivered Through MHT Files has been first published on /dev/random]

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Fake Quote PO ACPM@REAGAN.COM delivers a keylogger

An email with the subject of coming from Purchase <ACPM@REAGAN.COM>   with a link in the email body that uses a chain to eventually download what looks like some sort of keylogger Update: I am assured this is Agent Tesla Keylogger. I always fin… Continue reading Fake Quote PO ACPM@REAGAN.COM delivers a keylogger