The Clathrate Gun Hypothesis: Unearthing Puzzles of Warming Events Past

As the Earth continues to warm at a worrying rate, scientists continue to work to understand the processes and mechanisms at play. Amidst the myriad of climate-related theories and discussions, …read more Continue reading The Clathrate Gun Hypothesis: Unearthing Puzzles of Warming Events Past

Solar catalyst captures methane to create pure hydrogen and carbon

Methane has a greenhouse effect 80 times worse than carbon dioxide over a 20-year period, and emissions are skyrocketing even as we start reducing CO2. That makes UCF’s new hydrocarbon-capturing, sunlight-powered catalyst a very compelling idea.Continu… Continue reading Solar catalyst captures methane to create pure hydrogen and carbon

Red alga added to cow poop slashes methane emissions by almost half

A particularly impressive red alga has already shown great promise in dramatically reducing the alarming levels of methane gas produced by a cow’s enteric digestive system. Now, a team of scientists has moved from the animal’s belches to its tail end, … Continue reading Red alga added to cow poop slashes methane emissions by almost half

Aquaponics farms may soon be powered by fish poop

Aquaponics operations combine aquaculture and hydroponics, with nutrient-rich water from the former being used to fertilize plants in the latter. Soon, such systems could also be powered by methane biogas derived from their own fish feces.Continue Read… Continue reading Aquaponics farms may soon be powered by fish poop

Methane-Tracking Satellites Hunt For Nasty Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Much of the reporting around climate change focuses on carbon dioxide. It’s public enemy number one when it comes to gases that warm the atmosphere, as a primary byproduct of …read more Continue reading Methane-Tracking Satellites Hunt For Nasty Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Baby kangaroo poop may hold the key to reducing cows’ methane emissions

Make all the jokes you want, but the methane emitted in the form of cow burps and farts is actually a major source of greenhouse gas emissions. That could soon change, however, thanks to bacteria found in baby kangaroo feces.Continue ReadingCategory: E… Continue reading Baby kangaroo poop may hold the key to reducing cows’ methane emissions

Methane Pyrolysis: Producing Green Hydrogen Without Carbon Emissions

Generally, when we talk about the production of hydrogen, the discussion is about either electrolysis of water into oxygen and hydrogen, or steam methane reforming (SMR). Although electrolysis is often …read more Continue reading Methane Pyrolysis: Producing Green Hydrogen Without Carbon Emissions