Msfvenom Python/Meterpreter/reverse_tcp Session Opened but No Shell Prompt [closed]

To start off I know that this question has already been asked and answered before, however the solution that worked for that person doesn’t work for me. Here is the issue:
msf6 exploit(multi/handler) > run
** Started reverse TCP handler… Continue reading Msfvenom Python/Meterpreter/reverse_tcp Session Opened but No Shell Prompt [closed]

After connecting to my backdoor, Meterpreter session is unstable and not usable

I uploaded my backdoor (made using msfvenom) and executed it on the remote machine. I’m able to connect to it using multi/handler , but after a while I get disconnected and then when I try to exploit again, I see the following behavior:

M… Continue reading After connecting to my backdoor, Meterpreter session is unstable and not usable