Can’t log in dvwa with a simple python program, even though login credentials are good

import requests

target_url = “”
data_dict = {“csrfmiddlewaretoken”: “bbbfeed6e1aea50f14a51a331054022c”, “username”: “admin”, “password”: “password”, “Login”: “Submit”}
response =… Continue reading Can’t log in dvwa with a simple python program, even though login credentials are good

Metasploit MsfVenom – Payload binds shell, but unable to spawn it with netcat

Running a SEH BoF exploit script that contains a payload that is generated from msfvenom as such:

msfvenom –payload windows/shell/bind_tcp –format py –arch x86 –platform windows –bad-chars “\x00\x20” EXITFUNC=seh

Aft… Continue reading Metasploit MsfVenom – Payload binds shell, but unable to spawn it with netcat