This Beginner-Friendly Intro to Machine Learning is Just $30

Machine learning is everywhere these days. Want to know more about it? This beginner e-degree program is just $30 for more than 35 hours of training. Continue reading This Beginner-Friendly Intro to Machine Learning is Just $30

Busting GPS Exercise Data Out of Its Garmin-controlled IoT Prison

If you take to the outdoors for your exercise, rather than walking the Sisyphusian stair machine, it’s nice to grab some GPS-packed electronics to quantify your workout. [Bunnie Huang] enjoys paddling the outrigger canoe through the Singapore Strait and recently figured out how to unpack and visualize GPS data from …read more

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Make XKCD-Style Plots From Python

[Randall Munroe] certainly understands the power of graphical representation of data. The humorous plots in his xkcd webcomic are one of the favorite parts for many readers. Their distinctive, Tufteian style delivers the information – in this case, a punch line – without excessive decoration. To be honest, we can’t …read more

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