Tiger sharks with cameras map out the world’s largest seagrass system

Tiger sharks have a strong symbiotic relationship with seagrass ecosystems, playing the role of apex predator to prevent overgrazing by other species while at the same time patrolling the underwater meadows for sustenance. Scientists studying these spe… Continue reading Tiger sharks with cameras map out the world’s largest seagrass system

Octopuses hurl objects in rare example of animal throwing behavior

Scientists studying the behavior of wild octopuses off the coast of Australia have made a strange discovery, with the creatures caught hurling silt, algae and even shells at one another. The finding sees the cephalopods join just a handful of animals k… Continue reading Octopuses hurl objects in rare example of animal throwing behavior

Basking sharks found to choose mates by swimming in giant circles

Even though the plankton-eating basking shark is the world’s second-largest fish, much of its life has eluded observation. Now, however, researchers have determined that the usually solitary animals find mates by meeting up and circling around one anot… Continue reading Basking sharks found to choose mates by swimming in giant circles

3D model suggests ancient Megadolon could eat an orca in just five bites

By combining cutting-edge digital modeling with analysis of a rare, one-of-a-kind fossil, scientists have pieced together the first 3D reconstruction of the Megadolon, the largest shark to ever live. From this new 3D model the scientists were able to g… Continue reading 3D model suggests ancient Megadolon could eat an orca in just five bites

The winners of the 2022 Underwater Photographer of the Year awards

From oceans to lakes to swimming pools, the Underwater Photographer of the Year contest celebrates all kinds of images taken from below the water’s surface. This year delivers the competition’s most spectacular batch of winners to date including an ext… Continue reading The winners of the 2022 Underwater Photographer of the Year awards

Newly discovered “oral plug” keeps whales from drowning as they dine

Whales are famous for feeding by gulping down huge amounts of water to capture tiny krill. But how do they do this without drowning themselves with every mouthful? Researchers have now discovered an “oral plug” in the throats of some species that block… Continue reading Newly discovered “oral plug” keeps whales from drowning as they dine

Colossal marine skull reveals Earth’s earliest known giant animal

Scientists have discovered fossils of a new species of aquatic reptile that may represent the first giant animal that ever lived on Earth. Named Cymbospondylus youngorum, the creature is a new type of ichthyosaur dating back to the early stages of the … Continue reading Colossal marine skull reveals Earth’s earliest known giant animal

World’s largest aquarium nears completion in Abu Dhabi

A massive marine park entering its final phase of construction in the United Arab Emirates will invite visitors to enjoy the world’s largest indoor aquarium once completed sometime next year. SeaWorld Abu Dhabi will be home to tens of thousands of mari… Continue reading World’s largest aquarium nears completion in Abu Dhabi

Barnacle-inspired bioglue stops bleeding in as little as 15 seconds

Stemming the bleeding from a traumatic injury can save lives, but it’s hard to get adhesives to stick when blood is making everything wet. Now, MIT researchers have developed a new surgical glue that can halt bleeding within 30 seconds, inspired by the… Continue reading Barnacle-inspired bioglue stops bleeding in as little as 15 seconds

“Fool’s gold” fossils reveal trilobites breathed through their legs

Trilobites are one of the most common creatures found in the fossil record, but now some particularly well-preserved specimens have revealed some intriguing new details. It turns out that trilobites breathed oxygen – through their legs.Continue Reading… Continue reading “Fool’s gold” fossils reveal trilobites breathed through their legs