Chlamydia cousin in Great Barrier Reef coral offers hope for bleaching

Researchers investigating the coral microbiome in Australia’s Great Barrier Reef have found two clusters of co-existing bacteria. And, for the first time, they’ve discovered that one of them is a close relative of the bacteria that causes chlamydia in … Continue reading Chlamydia cousin in Great Barrier Reef coral offers hope for bleaching

Fish poop ‘probiotic’ could help stressed corals recover from bleaching

In a surprising twist on ‘What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger,’ scientists have discovered that the poop from fish that predate on coral provides a massive payload of crucial microscopic organisms that strengthen reefs.Continue ReadingCategory: B… Continue reading Fish poop ‘probiotic’ could help stressed corals recover from bleaching

Great Barrier Reef endures fourth coral bleaching event in seven years

Rare coral bleaching brought on by abnormal sea temperatures is rapidly becoming the norm on Australia’s Great Barrier Reef, which has just experienced its fourth such event in six years. The mass bleaching is said to have affected more than 90 percent… Continue reading Great Barrier Reef endures fourth coral bleaching event in seven years

Special boosted coral is now reproducing on degraded areas of reef

If corals are going to survive on today’s ecologically stressed reefs, they’ve gotta be tough. Scientists have therefore been developing a special “turbo-charged” coral, which has recently been found to be reproducing on the Great Barrier Reef.Continue… Continue reading Special boosted coral is now reproducing on degraded areas of reef

Scientists make first ever observations of coral cells engulfing algae

Coral rely on a symbiotic relationship with algae to maintain good health. These algae live in their tissues and provide them with a source of sustenance and their colorful appearance. Severe bleaching events like those seen at Australia’s Great Barrie… Continue reading Scientists make first ever observations of coral cells engulfing algae

Transplanted coral retains resistance to heat in new environments

The threat of climate change and warming oceans looms large over the world’s coral reefs, which are struggling to adapt to increasingly inhospitable waters. Scientists at the University of Pennsylvania have demonstrated a new way we may be able to limi… Continue reading Transplanted coral retains resistance to heat in new environments

Microbiome transplants help vulnerable corals fight heat stress

With the oceans becoming warmer and more acidic, the world’s coral reefs are confronted with increasing danger of heat stress and severe bleaching, as we’ve seen with Australia’s Great Barrier Reef in recent years. Scientists are taking inspiration fro… Continue reading Microbiome transplants help vulnerable corals fight heat stress

CRISPR helps identify gene that regulates coral’s heat stress response

The world’s corals face a fight for survival as our oceans continue to warm, and scientists are pulling out all stops in an attempt to give them a fighting chance. An international team of researchers has made a discovery that could prove useful to the… Continue reading CRISPR helps identify gene that regulates coral’s heat stress response

Floods of nutrients found to up the risk factor for heat-stressed corals

As recent bleaching events have shown, warming ocean waters pose a great threat to the existence of natural wonders like the Great Barrier Reef, but they aren’t the only factor that needs to be taken into account. Scientists have discovered that abnorm… Continue reading Floods of nutrients found to up the risk factor for heat-stressed corals