Why can’t we encrypt twice instead of having Cloudflare MITM half the internet?

First of all I want to address a thought I had which is that they might market their ability to read the encrypted code being sent so they can spot "bots" and such, and that this is why they need to be able to decrypt the communi… Continue reading Why can’t we encrypt twice instead of having Cloudflare MITM half the internet?

Insecure Implementation of SSL. Trusting all the certificates or accepting self signed certificates is a critical Security Hole [closed]

Insecure Implementation of SSL. Trusting all the certificates or accepting self-signed certificates is a critical Security Hole. This application is vulnerable to MITM attacks.
How to resolve this in an Android project?

Continue reading Insecure Implementation of SSL. Trusting all the certificates or accepting self signed certificates is a critical Security Hole [closed]

Does TLS interception necessarily require a self-signed certificate? Please explain why

A brief schema of a TLS intercepting proxy – the Client connects to the Host via the Proxy in a way which allows the Proxy to perform a (consensual) MITM.
[Client] -> [Proxy] -> [Host]

It’s my understanding reading references on… Continue reading Does TLS interception necessarily require a self-signed certificate? Please explain why

Intercepting Android App: Google detects burp proxy and block the request to app

I was recently doing bug bounty on a website and found it also has an app so i tried to pentest on it using burpsuite via MITM and intercepting it through burp proxy
Though my request got blocked by the app and it showed me error even afte… Continue reading Intercepting Android App: Google detects burp proxy and block the request to app