Difference between private key exposure and tampering in mutual authentication

Consider a remote and local system doing mutual authentication either by TLS through server/client certificates or similarly wireguard.
What are the differences when the private keys (in particular the one for the remote system/server) are… Continue reading Difference between private key exposure and tampering in mutual authentication

Is it possible for a MITM to distinguish traffic from individual users on a VPN? [duplicate]

Activity coming from a VPN server outgoing traffic originates from the VPN’s public IP(s) so: (I assume through NATing) the VPN must be assigning some identifying information to the packets so it can know which users the incoming responses… Continue reading Is it possible for a MITM to distinguish traffic from individual users on a VPN? [duplicate]

Speaker Snitch Tattles on Privacy Leaks

A wise senator once noted that democracy dies with thunderous applause. Similarly, it’s also how privacy dies, as we invite more and more smart devices willingly into our homes that are built by companies that don’t tend to have our best interests in mind. If you’re not willing to toss …read more

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Does HTTPS mean that packets can’t be read by intermediaries (like listeners at a VPN node, for instance)?

Say I’m using a VPN to talk with a server, and Bob is eavesdropping for packets at the VPN.
Basically a special kind of man-in-the-middle attack.
If I’m using HTTPS, how clever would Bob have to be to bypass HTTPS and get the data from my … Continue reading Does HTTPS mean that packets can’t be read by intermediaries (like listeners at a VPN node, for instance)?

Isn’t HTTPS enough to prevent MITM in mobile apps? Why is SSL Pinning needed?

I am making a webview that is going to be part of a native iOS and Android app, I implemented the webview using HTTPS as a protocol, and developed my NodeJS app there.
But the security team from where I work, came with the following situat… Continue reading Isn’t HTTPS enough to prevent MITM in mobile apps? Why is SSL Pinning needed?