What would you see in Wireshark if you did arp poisoning on a device that is arp poisoning your device? [closed]

Let’s say you did arp poisoning on another person’s computer and then they did arp poisoning on your computer while you were doing arp poisoning on their computer. What would you be seeing in Wireshark (or some other network traffic viewer… Continue reading What would you see in Wireshark if you did arp poisoning on a device that is arp poisoning your device? [closed]

Called a friend and my caller ID was showing a wrong number from another country?

Today I called a friend of mine and something weird was going on. When he picked up the call, it was not showing my phone number on the caller ID but a different mobile number apparently from Romania. We could hear each other only badly an… Continue reading Called a friend and my caller ID was showing a wrong number from another country?

What’s the most secure mounting method for external storage in Nextcloud when not using encryption on rest for performance reasons?

My threats are: MitM basically, eavesdroppers
I have a Nextcloud instance and I was thinking of mounting sshfs locally and selecting local as the external storage type and then putting the data there, but is it the most secure option?
Next… Continue reading What’s the most secure mounting method for external storage in Nextcloud when not using encryption on rest for performance reasons?

What’s the most secure mounting method for external storage in Nextcloud when not using encryption on rest for performance reasons?

My threats are: MitM basically, eavesdroppers
I have a Nextcloud instance and I was thinking of mounting sshfs locally and selecting local as the external storage type and then putting the data there, but is it the most secure option?
Next… Continue reading What’s the most secure mounting method for external storage in Nextcloud when not using encryption on rest for performance reasons?

System audit of hardened device regarding certificate handling

I am tasked with auditing the default configuration (system configuration, default applications…) that is set for some computers before they are given to users.
Though I have never seen it anywhere, I feel it would make sense to check wh… Continue reading System audit of hardened device regarding certificate handling