The Government Is Using a No Fly Zone to Suppress Journalism At Standing Rock

Drone journalists are documenting human rights abuses in North Dakota. A no fly zone enacted by the FAA violates the First Amendment, experts say. Continue reading The Government Is Using a No Fly Zone to Suppress Journalism At Standing Rock

Two Hackers Appear To Have Created a New Massive Internet of Things Botnet

After weeks of turf war, two cybercriminals seem to have found a new way to take control and expand the the infamous Mirai botnet. Continue reading Two Hackers Appear To Have Created a New Massive Internet of Things Botnet

Watch Chernobyl Get Locked Inside a New Giant Steel Dome

The 108-meter tall structure was built to replace the aging concrete sarcophagus that has contained the world’s worst nuclear plant disaster for over 30 years. Continue reading Watch Chernobyl Get Locked Inside a New Giant Steel Dome