Loft Labs simplifies multi-cluster Kubernetes management for Rancher users

Loft Labs announced vCluster for Rancher, enabling self-service virtual Kubernetes cluster creation and management for teams already using Rancher for Kubernetes management. Rancher customers can now have more secure Kubernetes multi-tenancy, with the … Continue reading Loft Labs simplifies multi-cluster Kubernetes management for Rancher users

Loft Labs integrates with Argo CD to automate deployments with virtual clusters

Loft Labs has integrated with the open source tool Argo CD (continuous delivery) to automate the deployment of services to virtual Kubernetes clusters. Now, virtual clusters created in Loft are automatically recognized in Argo CD including user permiss… Continue reading Loft Labs integrates with Argo CD to automate deployments with virtual clusters

DevSpace 6: Client-only developer tool for cloud-native development with Kubernetes

Loft Labs released DevSpace 6, open-source software for Kubernetes that enables users to develop, troubleshoot and deploy cloud-native software faster. DevSpace is a lightweight, easy-to-use client-only command-line interface (CLI) tool that employs us… Continue reading DevSpace 6: Client-only developer tool for cloud-native development with Kubernetes

Loft partners with Docker to help users manage virtual Kubernetes clusters

Loft Labs partners Docker so that Docker Desktop users can now set up and manage virtual Kubernetes clusters. Recently, Docker announced the launch of an extensions API (application programming interface) called Docker Extensions that enables partners … Continue reading Loft partners with Docker to help users manage virtual Kubernetes clusters

Loft Labs launches vcluster, a working virtualization technology for Kubernetes

Loft Labs announced that vcluster, a virtual cluster technology for Kubernetes, is now freely available on GitHub. Rather than creating heavyweight, resource-hungry, isolated clusters over and over again, companies can now launch lightweight, fast vclu… Continue reading Loft Labs launches vcluster, a working virtualization technology for Kubernetes