How long can I reasonably expect my external USB HDDs and memory sticks to last?

I have a number of external USB HDDs (nearly all of them 2.5") in my fireproof safe. They are between 7 and 9 years old. (For a period of two years, I bought one almost every month until I had enough for me to feel as if it was not lo… Continue reading How long can I reasonably expect my external USB HDDs and memory sticks to last?

How to best store the password for Keepass for a python bot that runs in Windows?

I have a python bot that runs in Windows 10 and accesses Keepass with a password.
I’m wondering what would be the correct way to store and access this Keepass password.
Currently, the Keepass password is encrypted and decrypted with a key…. Continue reading How to best store the password for Keepass for a python bot that runs in Windows?