I’m reading for awhile on securing my web-file-upload system and thinking on building one my own, but – does one already exist? A secured file upload system that is able to integrate with my own current system? It can be paid and none-paid one.
I am currently using the Spring MVC functionality for uploading files (my purpose is mostly uploading .jpegs) , but could not find it to contain any security measures and looks like I have to implement it all by my own.
Counting this: How can I be protected from pictures vulnerabilities? and this: https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Unrestricted_File_Upload
But instead of writing my own right now, it seemed to me like a basic well-known functionality -> does there exist any library/module/service that is able to integrate my java based backend WHICH is fully SECURED?
Continue reading A secured file upload platform to integrate with my server – does kind exist? [on hold]→