Our ESG Commitment: Investing in a Better World

Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues are quickly emerging as a key concern for investors. To use a musical analogy, the bow is just resting on the first string, with more notes sure to follow. At Akamai, our ESG instrument is well tuned a… Continue reading Our ESG Commitment: Investing in a Better World

Our ESG Commitment: Investing in a Better World

Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues are quickly emerging as a key concern for investors. To use a musical analogy, the bow is just resting on the first string, with more notes sure to follow. At Akamai, our ESG instrument is well tuned and ready for the symphony to come, as evidenced by our 2020 Sustainability Report released this week. Continue reading Our ESG Commitment: Investing in a Better World

A Look at the Legal Consequence of a Cyber Attack

Is your system 100% ready to face the severest cyber-attack and mitigate the risk of a possible data breach? If you are unsure about your cyber-safety structure, then it’s time to upgrade it. Otherwise, you could be at risk of lengthy legal battles tha… Continue reading A Look at the Legal Consequence of a Cyber Attack

Will VPN service providers, whose servers are accommodated in the US, disclose my IP address by a request from another country?

Is it obligatory for a VPN service providers to disclose user’s personal information such as IP address and logs by a request, that came from another country? For example, for a legal investigation or similar reason.

Continue reading Will VPN service providers, whose servers are accommodated in the US, disclose my IP address by a request from another country?

Tech Giants Lend WhatsApp Support in Spyware Case Against NSO Group

Google, Microsoft, Cisco Systems and others want appeals court to deny immunity to Israeli company for its alleged distribution of spyware and illegal cyber-surveillance activities. Continue reading Tech Giants Lend WhatsApp Support in Spyware Case Against NSO Group