Encryption advocates rip FBI over inflated encrypted device statistics

Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., sent a strongly worded letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray Wednesday, voicing concern that the FBI “repeatedly misled” the public and lawmakers on how many devices it was locked out of due to devices being encrypted. On Tuesday, the FBI admitted that in public speeches and sworn congressional testimony over the last year, it has dramatically overstated the number of encrypted phones it cannot access. “The government has long held discredited views about encryption,” Wyden wrote. “Now we see that the FBI is struggling with basic arithmetic—clearly it should not be in the business of dictating the design of advanced cryptographic algorithms.” Wyden also charged that the FBI “exploited” the 2015 shooting in San Bernardino to push tech companies for a way to bypass encryption during investigations. “We see the same calculations today with the overstatement of inaccessible devices… [the FBI] is either too sloppy in its […]

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PATCH Act Calls for VEP Review Board

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