What’s the purpose of signing OIDC ID Tokens if they shouldn’t be used as bearer tokens

It seems like signing ID Tokens invites misuse.
As I understand it, OIDC ID tokens should not be used as bearer tokens for authorizing API access. Instead, we should use access tokens.
However, the ID token is still signed, and in the case… Continue reading What’s the purpose of signing OIDC ID Tokens if they shouldn’t be used as bearer tokens

Stateless session inactivity timeout using refreshToken and accessToken

I am developing a mobile and web application that need the user to re-authenticate if they have been idled for a specific duration.
The authentication flow is just a typical OAuth password grant type with a combination of JWT accessToken a… Continue reading Stateless session inactivity timeout using refreshToken and accessToken

When using a cookie to header CSRF protection with JWTs, how to implement refresh tokens?

I’m working in the oAuth flow for a new app, which is currently laid out like this

A React web App
A Rails backend
FusionAuth as an Authorization server

We are using the oAuth2.0 authorization code grant flow:
To login, the brow… Continue reading When using a cookie to header CSRF protection with JWTs, how to implement refresh tokens?