Largest James Webb image sheds new light on Stephan’s Quintet galaxy group

After yesterday’s sneak peek of things to come, a host of new images from NASA’s James Webb Telescope are pouring in. The largest of them reveals “never-before-seen” details of a galaxy group known as Stephan’s Quintet.Continue ReadingCategory: Space, … Continue reading Largest James Webb image sheds new light on Stephan’s Quintet galaxy group

NASA’s Flying Telescope is Winding Down Operations

NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope is arguably the best known and most successful observatory in history, delivering unprecedented images that have tantalized the public and astronomers alike for more than 30 …read more Continue reading NASA’s Flying Telescope is Winding Down Operations

Hackaday Links: June 19, 2022

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The James Webb Space Telescope has had a long and sometimes painful journey from its earliest conception to its ultimate arrival at Lagrange point L2 and subsequent commissioning. Except for …read more Continue reading Hackaday Links: June 19, 2022

James Webb damaged in micrometeoroid impact, image quality remains high

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has suffered a new setback, sustaining a micrometeoroid impact to one of its mirror segments. While larger than the impacts anticipated during ground testing, the science team says that the telescope should still b… Continue reading James Webb damaged in micrometeoroid impact, image quality remains high

About As Cold As It Gets: The Webb Telescope’s Cryocooler

If you were asked to name the coldest spot in the solar system, chances are pretty good you’d think it would be somewhere as far as possible from the ultimate …read more Continue reading About As Cold As It Gets: The Webb Telescope’s Cryocooler

NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope completely aligned and fully focused

Scientists working on NASA’s James Webb Telescope have reached an important milestone, completely aligning the space observatory’s massive mirrors. The achievement means the team can now move ahead with configuring the onboard instruments and prepare t… Continue reading NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope completely aligned and fully focused

Most distant object ever seen is a mysteriously bright, ancient galaxy

Astronomers have discovered the most distant object ever seen – a strange galaxy some 13.5 billion light-years away. Known as HD1, the galaxy may house a never-before-seen population of stars, or a supermassive black hole mysteriously ahead of its time… Continue reading Most distant object ever seen is a mysteriously bright, ancient galaxy

Hubble spots most distant single star ever seen, near dawn of universe

Hubble has spotted the most distant single star ever seen, about 12.9 billion light-years from Earth. The light from this star was emitted not long after the Big Bang, and has been magnified by a foreground galaxy and stretched out by the expansion of … Continue reading Hubble spots most distant single star ever seen, near dawn of universe