How to block all inbound traffic from a specific Internet address or subnet using TomatoUSB router software (LINUX based)

I’m not trained in Linux, but I think I found the solution to my problem documented, but it is not working as expected. I am NOT an iptables guru, I’m learning as I go.

A Russian IP is trying to hack my network, especially an email serve… Continue reading How to block all inbound traffic from a specific Internet address or subnet using TomatoUSB router software (LINUX based)

Even though my firewall is active, is it protecting me fully given that the ‘rules’ are not active?

Even though my firewall is active, is it protecting me fully given that the ‘rules’ are not active?

Output shows:

host based firewall active, empty rules

iptables modules loaded, but no rules active

Maybe I should mention… Continue reading Even though my firewall is active, is it protecting me fully given that the ‘rules’ are not active?

How to deploy a Dynamic Policy Engine on a Consumer Router by any Manufacturer?

Specifically I am working on a security product for ISP’s that has a custom policy engine per individual Router, but in theory this should run on a Router from any Manufacturer.

Considering each Manufacturer (TP-Link, Action… Continue reading How to deploy a Dynamic Policy Engine on a Consumer Router by any Manufacturer?