Has a remote rogue DNS client managed to slip through the first iptables rule of a Linux DNS server?

Ubuntu 20.04
iptables 1.8.4-1

I experienced a situation where a remote system seemed to be able to slip through the first iptables rule of a Linux server located behind a NAT router:

-A INPUT -s <remote_ip_addresses_ran… Continue reading Has a remote rogue DNS client managed to slip through the first iptables rule of a Linux DNS server?

Are these iptables rules safe for a SBC connected directly to the internet?

I read some posts which say Raspberry Pi connected directly to the internet is unsafe and various precautions should be taken. My main purpose is to avoid any attacks/breaches.

Usage of the Raspberry Pi:

As a router
Access… Continue reading Are these iptables rules safe for a SBC connected directly to the internet?