Shopping for Secure IoT Devices

There are about as many internet-connected devices in the world as people, and over the past few years this population of connected devices has come close to inflicting real harm on the 7 billion humans they share the world with. Internet of things (I… Continue reading Shopping for Secure IoT Devices

Neustar, BlackBerry, and ShieldSquare – Enterprise Security Weekly #121

    Neustar bolsters fraud detection capabilities with Trustid, almost half of containers in production have vulnerabilities, BlackBerry offers its security technology to IoT device makers, and Radware to acquire ShieldSquare for expansion of its cloud… Continue reading Neustar, BlackBerry, and ShieldSquare – Enterprise Security Weekly #121

Thousands of Google Chromecast Devices Hijacked to Promote PewDiePie

A group of hackers has hijacked tens of thousands of Google’s Chromecast streaming dongles, Google Home smart speakers and smart TVs with built-in Chromecast technology in recent weeks by exploiting a bug that’s allegedly been ignored by Google for alm… Continue reading Thousands of Google Chromecast Devices Hijacked to Promote PewDiePie

A Multitude of Freertos Security Bugs Allow Hackers to Abuse Iot Devices

The FreeRTOS operating system widely used by IoT devices can be abused by computer hackers to take down the instances. A team of security researchers recently announced that it contains many bugs allowing hackers numerous pathways to the target IoT…R… Continue reading A Multitude of Freertos Security Bugs Allow Hackers to Abuse Iot Devices

Tracking Security Innovation – Business Security Weekly #99

Michael Santarcangelo joined by special guest Ron Gula from Gula Tech Adventures, talk with Chris Brenton about how do you take someone with a basic level certification and give them access to the tool? Full Show Notes
The post Tracking Security Innova… Continue reading Tracking Security Innovation – Business Security Weekly #99

Chris Brenton, ACM – Business Security Weekly #99

Michael Santarcangelo returns! Michael is joined by Matt Alderman and Ron Gula to interview Chris Brenton. They discuss what is threat hunting, what does this actually mean, is there a level of maturity required (organization, security team, individual… Continue reading Chris Brenton, ACM – Business Security Weekly #99

Beacon Analysis, Chris Brenton – Paul’s Security Weekly #574

Beacon analysis is an integral part of threat hunting. If you are not looking for beacons you take the chance of missing compromised IoT devices or anything that does not have a threat mitigation agent installed. I’ll talk about what makes beacon… Continue reading Beacon Analysis, Chris Brenton – Paul’s Security Weekly #574

Chinese Hackers Mount Espionage Campaign During Trump-Putin Summit

An uncharacteristic spate of strikes against IoT devices in Finland during the summit was likely an indicator of a coordinated cyberespionage effort, researchers said. Continue reading Chinese Hackers Mount Espionage Campaign During Trump-Putin Summit

Google Home and Chromecast DOWN? Reboot them to Fix the Glitch

If your Google Home, Home Mini and/or Google Chromecast streaming stick were not working properly, you are not alone.

Google Home, Home Mini, and Chromecast were down globally for many users for several hours, leaving a lot of people with trouble watc… Continue reading Google Home and Chromecast DOWN? Reboot them to Fix the Glitch