Inrupt’s Solid Announcement

Earlier this year, I announced that I had joined Inrupt, the company commercializing Tim Berners-Lee’s Solid specification:

The idea behind Solid is both simple and extraordinarily powerful. Your data lives in a pod that is controlled by you. Data generated by your things — your computer, your phone, your IoT whatever — is written to your pod. You authorize granular access to that pod to whoever you want for whatever reason you want. Your data is no longer in a bazillion places on the Internet, controlled by you-have-no-idea-who. It’s yours. If you want your insurance company to have access to your fitness data, you grant it through your pod. If you want your friends to have access to your vacation photos, you grant it through your pod. If you want your thermostat to share data with your air conditioner, you give both of them access through your pod. …

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Inrupt, Tim Berners-Lee’s Solid, and Me

For decades, I have been talking about the importance of individual privacy. For almost as long, I have been using the metaphor of digital feudalism to describe how large companies have become central control points for our data. And for maybe half a decade, I have been talking about the world-sized robot that is the Internet of Things, and how… Continue reading Inrupt, Tim Berners-Lee’s Solid, and Me

WWW inventor announces Solid, a push to create a decentralized web users can trust

Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the World Wide Web, has not been hiding his disappointment with the direction in which his invention was taken. “The web has evolved into an engine of inequity and division; swayed by powerful forces who use it fo… Continue reading WWW inventor announces Solid, a push to create a decentralized web users can trust