The Growing Threat to Critical Infrastructure

In August 2022, the threat intelligence and cybersecurity company Cyble found 8,000 virtual network computing (VNC) instances exposed online. Additionally, this research revealed that most of these ports are in the United States, China and Sweden — putting many critical infrastructure companies at risk of attack. In an age where cybersecurity threats are omnipresent, it’s […]

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What Will It Take?

What will it take for policy makers to take cybersecurity seriously? Not minimal-change seriously. Not here-and-there seriously. But really seriously. What will it take for policy makers to take cybersecurity seriously enough to enact substantive legislative changes that would address the problems? It’s not enough for the average person to be afraid of cyberattacks. They need to know that there are engineering fixes—and that’s something we can provide.

For decades, I have been waiting for the “big enough” incident that would finally do it. In 2015, Chinese military hackers hacked the Office of Personal Management and made off with the highly personal information of about 22 million Americans who had security clearances. In 2016, the Mirai botnet leveraged millions of Internet-of-Things devices with default admin passwords to launch a denial-of-service attack that disabled major Internet platforms and services in both North America and Europe. In 2017, hackers—years later we learned that it was the Chinese military—hacked the credit bureau Equifax and stole the personal information of 147 million Americans. In recent years, ransomware attacks have knocked hospitals offline, and many articles have been written about Russia inside the U.S. power grid. And last year, the Russian SVR hacked thousands of sensitive networks inside civilian critical infrastructure worldwide in what we’re now calling Sunburst (and used to call SolarWinds)…

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Is malware abusing your infrastructure? Find out with VirusTotal!

Any organization’s infrastructure might inadvertently be abused by attackers as part of a malicious campaign. It is therefore important to monitor any suspicious activity. VirusTotal can help you identify these threats and improve your threat detection and protection capabilities. In this post we will first analyze different available search modifiers and then we will provide different templates to quickly deploy infrastructure monitoring rules.

Hunting for infrastructure abuses

VirusTotal Intelligence allows you to search VT’s extensive dataset for domains, URLs, IP addresses and files. You can find some examples on using search modifiers in our previous blog post.
You can use entity: domain or entity: url along parent_domain (entity:domain or entity:url search modifiers to find VT details on your infrastructure. You can always adjust the results with the antivirus detection ratio (positives or p keyword).
For IP addresses we can use the ip search modifier, also valid for IP ranges:

The domain/URL/IP report shows the assigned category by antivirus vendors along with the detection ratio. One of the most interesting tabs is “Relations”, where we can check any suspicious samples communicating with it.
Indeed, we can use some additional modifiers to find networking entities having interesting relationships. We can also use them to immediately flag if there is any domain or IP in our infrastructure communicating with any suspicious file.
Search modifier Description
detected_communicating_files_count # of detected files contacting the given domain or IP address when executed in a sandbox
communicating_files_max_detections maximum # of detected files communicating with a given domain or IP address
detected_downloaded_files_count # of detected files downloaded by VirusTotal from a URL hosted under a given domain or an IP address
downloaded_files_max_detections maximum # of detected files downloaded by VirusTotal from a URL hosted under a given domain or an IP address
detected_referring_files_count # of detected files containing the given domain or IP address in their strings
referring_files_max_detections maximum # of detected files containing the given domain or IP address in their strings
detected_urls_count # of detected URLs hosted under a given domain or IP address
urls_max_detections maximum # of detected URLs hosted under a given domain or IP address

The most generic (although noisy) way to find files potentially targeting your infrastructure is the static one checking files’ content. This returns any file matching your IP addresses, domains or URLs in its content’s strings. In this case it is not possible using IP ranges.
❗Please notice that the content search modifier can’t be used in combination with the entity modifier in the same query.
This type of query is useful when malware’s infrastructure is not obfuscated and statically found in the sample, which is not common.
There is a better way through dynamic analysis. All samples in VirusTotal are detonated in several sandboxes, which produces valuable data on how it behaves dynamically. Many samples implement anti-sandboxing techniques, so it is not always possible to get all the details.
The best search modifier to find samples communicating with a given URL, domain or IP through sandbox detonation is behaviour_network:

The contacted_ip search modifier also allows specifying IP address ranges:

Besides dynamic execution, you can check if VirusTotal has ever seen any particular suspicious samples being downloaded from your infrastructure. For this you can use the “In the Wild” (itw) search modifier: entity:file p:1+

Do it yourself!
Let’s say you are interested in tracking fresh suspicious samples submitted to VirusTotal communicating your company’s infrastructure (in this case consisting of 2 IPs resolving to our domain). The “first submission” (fs) search modifier gets us files submitted since december last year:
This query returns 4 files that are detected as malicious by at least 12 antivirus engines.

All samples work in the same way, let’s focus on the first one – 5dd5394ffb7b363a23ba93b7d78d626a133d39e4ea93486bbb8e150db6ff4757. In the Behavior tab -> Network Communication section, we confirm the file resolves “” to one of the IP addresses used in our query.

The Content tab shows an encoded Powershell.

In short, this dropper downloads another sample from https://file[.]io/DseDcCxBoGyr, renames it as MicMute_0.1.8.4_Beta_Setup.exe and executes it.

Automated monitoring

We can automate monitoring our infrastructure in two ways.

1. Using the VT API
With VT API v3 you can use the Advanced corpus search endpoint to use VTI queries like the ones described above. This endpoint requires your premium API key and your URL Safe encoded VT Intelligence query. The example below uses CURL for the the previous query:
curl –request GET –url ‘{entity%3Afile%20behaviour%5Fnetwork%3Afile%2Eio%20%28contacted%5Fip%3A107%2E23%2E246%2E142%20or%20contacted%5Fip%3A34%2E197%2E10%2E85%29%20p%3A10%2B%20fs%3A2022%2D12%2D01%2B}’ –header ‘x-apikey: <your API key>’
The result will be a JSON with the results of the query.
You can also use the official VirusTotal Python client library. The following is an example for the same query:
import “vt”

QUERY = “entity:file (contacted_ip: or contacted_ip: p:10+ fs:2022-12-01+”

with vt.Client(API_KEY) as client:
 it = client.iterator(‘/intelligence/search’, params={“query”: QUERY })
 for file_obj in it:

Please note that queries using “In the Wild” (itw) search modifier cannot be translated (yet) to YARA rules. To automate these queries we encourage you to use the VirusTotal API.

2. Using YARA
YARA allows creating file matching rules based on textual or binary patterns. Each rule consists of a set of strings and a boolean condition. You can deploy Livehunt YARA rules in VirusTotal and get a notification every time a new submitted file matches your rules. Let’s learn how to create basic YARA rules for monitoring your infrastructure.
The first example is based on file content. It will match files containing any of the declared IP addresses, domains or URLs.
import “vt”

rule infrastructure_monitoring {

  description = “Description of the logic of the use case and its goal.”
  author = “VT Team”

  // assets
  $ip1 = “X.X.X.X”
  $ip2 = “Y.Y.Y.Y”
  $url1 = “”
  $url2 = “”
  $domain1 = “”
  $domain2 = “”

  any of ($ip*,$domain*,$url*)

By its very nature YARA works only on static file properties, which would be limiting as we have discussed. Happily, we can use VirusTotal’s custom YARA VT module, which extends the common capabilities of YARA to allow you to check sample behavior, metadata, signatures, submissions, etc. When it comes to network activity, this module exposes information about DNS resolutions, established IP connections, HTTP requests, and even SMTP traffic. The following is a list of the most interesting properties we can use for hunting:

  • vt.behaviour.dns_lookups: this field is a list of DNS resolutions performed by the sample. For each item or resolution in the list, it provides the hostname and the resolved IP address (resolved_ips). We could use this to detect if a sample dynamically tries to contact with a given domain, for example:
    dns_lookup.hostname contains “”
  • vt.behaviour.ip_traffic: this field is a list of established IP connections and it provides the destination IP address, the port and the transport layer protocol (destination_ip, destination_port, transport_layer_protocol) for each connection.
    ip_traffic.destination_ip == “X.X.X.X”
  • vt.behaviour.http_conversations: this field is a list of HTTP requests performed by the sample. Every item in the list provides context information such as request URL, method and headers (url, request_method, request_headers), and response headers, status code and body filetype (response_headers, status_code, response_body_filetype).
    http_conversations.url contains “”
  • vt.behaviour.smtp_conversations: this field is a list of SMTP requests. It provides many features for every item in the list such as the recipient and the sender (message_from, message_to, message_cc, message_bcc), email’s subject and body (subject, html_body, txt_body), and SMTP server related information such as the host name, IP address and port (hostname, destination_ip, destination_port) among others.
    smtp_conversations.hostname contains “”
We can now replicate in YARA the search query we used to find samples dynamically communicating with certain IPs:
import “vt”

rule infrastructure_monitoring {

  description = “Description of the logic of the use case and its goal.
  author = “VT Team”
  // assets
  ip1 = “”
  ip2 = “”

  // Match only samples detected as malicious by more than 9 AVs
  vt.metadata.analysis_stats.malicious > 9 and (
   // Check the list of established IP connections
   for any ip_traffic in vt.behaviour.ip_traffic : (
    // Match samples communicating to any of my IP addresses
    ip_traffic.destination_ip == “” or
    ip_traffic.destination_ip == “”

Please note the above YARA also takes advantage of the VT module to check the minimum number of antivirus detections.
Unfortunately, ther’s no easy way to check for IP ranges in YARA. We will cover more advanced cases in our next post on this topic. Additionally, the use of the VT module is limited to Livehunts, but we hope will be soon available for Retrohunts too.


As a takeaway material, we have prepared a YARA rule template you can use to monitor suspicious samples interacting with your infrastructure. You can edit and fine tune it based on your needs by removing conditions or adding new ones.
import “vt”

rule infrastructure_monitoring {

  description = “Description of the logic of the use case and its goal.”
  author = “VT Team”

  // assets
  $ip1 = “X.X.X.X”
  $ip2 = “Y.Y.Y.Y”
  $url1 = “”
  $url2 = “”
  $domain1 = “”
  $domain2 = “”

  // First it checks for strings in sample content
  // This can be potentially noisy, you can consider comment this line
  any of them or

  // Match only samples detected as malicious by more than 10 AVs
  vt.metadata.analysis_stats.malicious > 10 and (
   // Check the list of DNS resolutions performed by the sample
   for any dns_lookup in vt.behaviour.dns_lookups : (
    // Match samples that perform DNS requests for any of my domains
    dns_lookup.hostname contains “” or
    dns_lookup.hostname contains “” or
    // Match samples that resolve to any of my IP addresses
    for any ip in dns_lookup.resolved_ips: (
     ip == “X.X.X.X” or
     ip == “Y.Y.Y.Y”
   ) or

   // Check the list of established IP connections
   for any ip_traffic in vt.behaviour.ip_traffic : (
    // Match samples communicating to any of my IP addresses
    ip_traffic.destination_ip == “X.X.X.X” or
    ip_traffic.destination_ip == “Y.Y.Y.Y”
   ) or

   // Check the list of HTTP requests performed
   for any http_conversations in vt.behaviour.http_conversations : (
    // Match samples communicating to any of my IP addresses
    http_conversations.url contains “” or
    http_conversations.url contains “”

❗Please note that YARA doesn’t allow you to implement 2 separate loops consuming the same list of objects.
VirusTotal helps you to automatically monitor and detect samples that target or make use of your network infrastructure. The examples above help you understand the most useful modifiers you can use, but please feel free to explore alternatives you find relevant to filter out noisy results. We recommend a first exploratory manual approach to make sure your searches provide accurate results. After that you can automate your searches using VT API v3, or use Livehunt for deploying YARA rules.
We hope you find this useful, and if you have any suggestions or just want to share feedback please feel free to reach out here. We will be back with a second post with more advanced cases.
Happy hunting!

Continue reading Is malware abusing your infrastructure? Find out with VirusTotal!

Reimagining Democracy

Last week, I hosted a two-day workshop on reimagining democracy.

The idea was to bring together people from a variety of disciplines who are all thinking about different aspects of democracy, less from a “what we need to do today” perspective and more from a blue-sky future perspective. My remit to the participants was this:

The idea is to start from scratch, to pretend we’re forming a new country and don’t have any precedent to deal with. And that we don’t have any unique interests to perturb our thinking. The modern representative democracy was the best form of government mid-eighteenth century politicians technology could invent. The twenty-first century is a very different place technically, scientifically, and philosophically. What could democracy look like if it were reinvented today? Would it even be democracy­—what comes after democracy?…

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A Digital Red Cross

The International Committee of the Red Cross wants some digital equivalent to the iconic red cross, to alert would-be hackers that they are accessing a medical network.

The emblem wouldn’t provide technical cybersecurity protection to hospitals, Red Cross infrastructure or other medical providers, but it would signal to hackers that a cyberattack on those protected networks during an armed conflict would violate international humanitarian law, experts say, Tilman Rodenhäuser, a legal adviser to the International Committee of the Red Cross, said at a panel discussion hosted by the organization on Thursday…

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NSA on Supply Chain Security

The NSA (together with CISA) has published a long report on supply-chain security: “Securing the Software Supply Chain: Recommended Practices Guide for Suppliers.“:

Prevention is often seen as the responsibility of the software developer, as they are required to securely develop and deliver code, verify third party components, and harden the build environment. But the supplier also holds a critical responsibility in ensuring the security and integrity of our software. After all, the software vendor is responsible for liaising between the customer and software developer. It is through this relationship that additional security features can be applied via contractual agreements, software releases and updates, notifications and mitigations of vulnerabilities…

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Cost of a Data Breach: Infrastructure

During the pandemic, businesses and consumers saw firsthand what happens when infrastructure fails. In 2019, the global critical infrastructure protection (CIP) market size was valued at $96.30 billion. It is predicted to grow to $154.59 billion by 2027, with a CAGR of 6.2%. On top of that, each time an organization in a critical sector […]

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Montenegro Is the Victim of a Cyberattack

Details are few, but Montenegro has suffered a cyberattack:

A combination of ransomware and distributed denial-of-service attacks, the onslaught disrupted government services and prompted the country’s electrical utility to switch to manual control.


But the attack against Montenegro’s infrastructure seemed more sustained and extensive, with targets including water supply systems, transportation services and online government services, among many others.

Government officials in the country of just over 600,000 people said certain government services remained temporarily disabled for security reasons and that the data of citizens and businesses were not endangered…

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