Modern In-Circuit Emulator for the 6809

The Motorola 6809, released in 1978, was the follow-up to their 6800 from four years earlier. It’s a powerful little chip with many 16-bit features, although it’s an 8-bit micro …read more Continue reading Modern In-Circuit Emulator for the 6809

ORBTrace Effort: Open Tool For Professional Debugging

The Orbtrace debugger hardware connected to a development board t hrough a 20-pin ribbon cable. The development board has a green LED shining.

There are some fairly powerful debugging facilities available on today’s microcontrollers — if your code crashes mysteriously, chances are, there’s a debugging interface that could let you track down the …read more Continue reading ORBTrace Effort: Open Tool For Professional Debugging

Unbricking A SEGGER J-Link v9 Debug Probe

Last year [Emil] found themselves in the situation where a SEGGER J-link debug probe suddenly just stopped working. This was awkward not only because in-circuit debuggers are vital pieces of equipment in embedded firmware development, but also because they’re not that cheap. This led [Emil] to take the device apart …read more

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