Why big companies ignore SAP security patches — and how that’s about to bite them, big time

Threat actors in the hunt for vulnerable targets often look first to ubiquitous platforms. It makes perfect sense for them to do so. Related article: Triaging open-source exposures Finding a coding or design flaw on Windows OS can point the way to unau… Continue reading Why big companies ignore SAP security patches — and how that’s about to bite them, big time

Mobile security advances to stopping device exploits — not just detecting malicious apps

The most profound threat to corporate networks isn’t the latest, greatest malware. It’s carbon-based life forms. Humans tend to be gullible and impatient. With our affiliations and preferences put in play by search engines and social media,… Continue reading Mobile security advances to stopping device exploits — not just detecting malicious apps

Security start-up deploys advanced AI, aka ‘deep learning,’ to detect malware on endpoints

Based in Tel Aviv, Israel, Deep Instinct was one of the more intriguing cybersecurity vendors I had the privilege of spending some time with at RSA Conference 2018. The company lays claims to being the first to apply “deep learning” to a tr… Continue reading Security start-up deploys advanced AI, aka ‘deep learning,’ to detect malware on endpoints

Why the ‘golden age’ of cyber espionage is upon us

Researchers at Cisco’s Talos intelligence unit have now expressed high confidence that the Russian government is behind VPNFilter, a malware strain designed to usurp control of small office and home routers and network access control devices. If … Continue reading Why the ‘golden age’ of cyber espionage is upon us

MY TAKE: A breakdown of why Spectre, Meltdown signal a coming wave of ‘microcode’ attacks

Hundreds of cybersecurity vendors are making final preparations to put their best foot forward at the RSA Conference at San Francisco’s sprawling Moscone Center next week. This will be my 15th RSA, and I can say that there is a distinctively dark… Continue reading MY TAKE: A breakdown of why Spectre, Meltdown signal a coming wave of ‘microcode’ attacks

NEWS WRAP-UP: Mirai botnet variants take Internet-of-Things hacking to higher levels

Week ending Jan. 19, 2018. Don’t look now but the weaponization of the Internet of Things just kicked into high gear. The Mirai botnet, which I first wrote about in December 2016, is back — in two potent variants. Mirai Okiru targets ARC pr… Continue reading NEWS WRAP-UP: Mirai botnet variants take Internet-of-Things hacking to higher levels

Q&A: What CyberX is doing to help address the hackable state of industrial control systems

Finally, the profoundly hackable state of industrial control systems (ICS) is being elevated as an issue of substantive concern and beginning to get the level of global attention it deserves. Nation-state backed hackers knocking out power grids and dis… Continue reading Q&A: What CyberX is doing to help address the hackable state of industrial control systems

MY TAKE: Rising hacks on energy plants suggest ongoing global cyber war has commenced

We all fret over the smorgasbord of cultural and geopolitical controversies complicating our daily lives. That being the case, not enough public attention is being paid to the increasingly plausible scenario of an ongoing global cyber war. I say this b… Continue reading MY TAKE: Rising hacks on energy plants suggest ongoing global cyber war has commenced

GUEST ESSAY: Why cyber attacks represent a clear and present danger — and what you can do about it

As we begin a new year, cyber attacks may actually pose a more profound threat to mankind than the specter of nuclear warfare. So says billionaire investor Warrant Buffet, and I tend to agree with him. Cyber attacks are growing in prominence every day … Continue reading GUEST ESSAY: Why cyber attacks represent a clear and present danger — and what you can do about it

MY TAKE: How a ‘gift card’ thief spoiled my Christmas

Upon returning from a holiday trip this week, we received unsettling news. There has been a rash of mail theft emanating from our local post office. Our box of held mail seemed lighter than it should have been. And one envelope was slashed open; the gi… Continue reading MY TAKE: How a ‘gift card’ thief spoiled my Christmas