MY TAKE: ‘Bashe’ attack theorizes a $200 billion ransomware raid using NSA-class cyber weapons

A report co-sponsored by Lloyd’s of London paints a chilling scenario for how a worldwide cyberattack could trigger economic losses of some $200 billion for companies and government agencies ill-equipped to deflect a very plausible ransomware att… Continue reading MY TAKE: ‘Bashe’ attack theorizes a $200 billion ransomware raid using NSA-class cyber weapons

Q&A: Here’s why robust ‘privileged access management’ has never been more vital

Malicious intruders have long recognized that getting their hands on privileged credentials equates to possessing the keys to the kingdom. This is because privileged accounts are widely deployed all across modern business networks — on-premi… Continue reading Q&A: Here’s why robust ‘privileged access management’ has never been more vital

Q&A: Why emerging IoT platforms require the same leading-edge security as industrial controls

The heyday of traditional corporate IT networks has come and gone. In 2019, and moving ahead, look for legacy IT business networks to increasingly intersect with a new class of networks dedicated to controlling the operations of a IoT-enabled services … Continue reading Q&A: Why emerging IoT platforms require the same leading-edge security as industrial controls

Guest Essay: Supply chain vulnerabilities play out in latest Pentagon personnel records breach

It is disheartening, but not at all surprising, that hackers continue to pull off successful breaches of well-defended U.S. government strategic systems. Related podcast: Cyber attacks on critical systems have only just begun On Friday, Oct. 12, the Pe… Continue reading Guest Essay: Supply chain vulnerabilities play out in latest Pentagon personnel records breach

MY TAKE: The no. 1 reason ransomware attacks persist: companies overlook ‘unstructured data’

All too many companies lack a full appreciation of how vital it has become to proactively manage and keep secure “unstructured data.” One reason for the enduring waves of ransomware is that unstructured data is easy for hackers to locate an… Continue reading MY TAKE: The no. 1 reason ransomware attacks persist: companies overlook ‘unstructured data’

Here’s how anyone with $20 can hire an IoT botnet to blast out a week-long DDoS attack

Distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks continue to erupt all across the Internet showing not the faintest hint of leveling off, much less declining, any time soon. Related video: How DDoS attacks leverage the Internet’s DNA To the contrary,… Continue reading Here’s how anyone with $20 can hire an IoT botnet to blast out a week-long DDoS attack

MY TAKE: How the lack of API security translates into ‘digital transformation’ security holes

If you’re not familiar with how Facebook, Twitter and YouTube make it so easy for you and me to easily access cool content they’ve collected and stored behind their respective firewalls, then you might think “API” is a trendy ty… Continue reading MY TAKE: How the lack of API security translates into ‘digital transformation’ security holes

How ‘digital transformation’ gave birth to a new breed of criminal: ‘machine-identity thieves’

There’s a new breed of identity thief at work plundering consumers and companies. However, these fraudsters don’t really care about snatching up your credentials or mine. By now, your personal information and mine has been hacked multiple t… Continue reading How ‘digital transformation’ gave birth to a new breed of criminal: ‘machine-identity thieves’

MY TAKE: Knowing these 5 concepts will protect you from illicit cryptocurrency mining

The cryptocurrency craze rages on, and one unintended consequence is the dramatic rise of illicit cryptocurrency mining. It takes computing power to transform digital calculations into crypto cash, whether it be Bitcoin or one of the many other forms o… Continue reading MY TAKE: Knowing these 5 concepts will protect you from illicit cryptocurrency mining

Will cryptocurrency mining soon saturate AWS, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud?

Don’t look now but cryptojacking may be about to metastasize into the scourge of cloud services. Cryptojacking, as defined by the Federal Trade Commission, is the use of JavaScript code to capture cryptocurrencies in users’ browsers without… Continue reading Will cryptocurrency mining soon saturate AWS, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud?