Apple’s Depth Pro model 3D maps 2D images in a fraction of a second

Apple’s Machine Learning Research wing has developed a foundational AI model “for zero-shot metric monocular depth estimation.” Depth Pro enables high-speed generation of detailed 3D depth maps from a single two-dimensional image.Continue ReadingCatego… Continue reading Apple’s Depth Pro model 3D maps 2D images in a fraction of a second

Watch: First nanoscale video of hydrogen and oxygen atoms forming water

We all know the equation – hydrogen plus oxygen equals water. But now scientists have captured molecular-scale video of that famous meeting in action, which could lead to a new way to generate large amounts of drinking water.Continue ReadingCategory: S… Continue reading Watch: First nanoscale video of hydrogen and oxygen atoms forming water

‘Tardigrade rides a nematode’ – and other microscopic video award winners

From a baby tardigrade riding a nematode, to water droplets evaporating from the wing scales of a peacock butterfly, the winners of this year’s Nikon Small World In Motion video microscopy competition let you see the unseen in astounding detail.Continu… Continue reading ‘Tardigrade rides a nematode’ – and other microscopic video award winners

Unprecedented 3D wiring diagram of human brain looks like a tiny world

Harvard and Google Research have released a startlingly deep dive into the human brain, mapping thousands of cells and millions of synapses in a poppy seed-sized sample of brain tissue. The effort produced some stunning images and marks a major step to… Continue reading Unprecedented 3D wiring diagram of human brain looks like a tiny world

World’s most powerful MRI machine captures first stunning brain scans

An image of a human brain captured with the new Iseult MRI machine at a power of 11.7 Teslas, showing the level of detail possible

The world’s most powerful MRI machine has started proving its worth, by scanning living human brains. The resulting images give an ultra high resolution glimpse into the brain, which will help us better understand the nature of consciousness and treat neurodegenerative diseases.

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Measuring Trees Via Satellite Actually Takes A Great Deal of Field Work

Figuring out what the Earth’s climate is going to do at any given point is a difficult task. To know how it will react to given events, you need to …read more Continue reading Measuring Trees Via Satellite Actually Takes A Great Deal of Field Work

New imaging reveals colossal cosmic web lurking in dark distant universe

On the largest scales possible, the universe resembles a web of light spun by an inconceivably large spider. Now, astronomers have detected very faint light from these cosmic web filaments in the deep, dark, distant universe.Continue ReadingCategory: S… Continue reading New imaging reveals colossal cosmic web lurking in dark distant universe

New imaging reveals colossal cosmic web lurking in dark distant universe

On the largest scales possible, the universe resembles a web of light spun by an inconceivably large spider. Now, astronomers have detected very faint light from these cosmic web filaments in the deep, dark, distant universe.Continue ReadingCategory: S… Continue reading New imaging reveals colossal cosmic web lurking in dark distant universe