What are the priorities for CISOs in 2019?

Well, 2018 is a wrap and another year is behind us — and what a big year it was for cybersecurity. There have been numerous high-profile breaches, regulatory fines, and fascinating developments in how enterprises build and deploy their applicatio… Continue reading What are the priorities for CISOs in 2019?

Serverless Cloud Identity and Access Management

The IT management space is an a constant state of flux. Tools that used to be delivered as on-prem solutions are now moving to the cloud. A key contributor to this change is the cloudward shift in the overall IT environment.  Because the cloud has… Continue reading Serverless Cloud Identity and Access Management

The app explosion and digital transformation drive rapid growth of the identity management market

The identity management market is growing much faster than the overall IT market, and for good reason. While the enterprise IT market is expected to grow by 3.5 percent through 2018, research firm Technavio predicts the worldwide identity and access ma… Continue reading The app explosion and digital transformation drive rapid growth of the identity management market

Identity and Access Management Alternative

In the hotly contested IT management tools marketplace, IT admins are searching for an identity and access management (IAM) alternative. For the last two decades, the core of identity management within an organization has been Microsoft® Active Di… Continue reading Identity and Access Management Alternative

Definition of Single Sign-On

Identity and access management (IAM) is a foundational and wide-reaching segment of any IT admin’s responsibilities. Like a Swiss army knife, IAM is not limited to a singular feature that it offers to an organization, the concept of IAM can span … Continue reading Definition of Single Sign-On

Phishing Protection

Phishing email scams have plagued the internet since its inception. Almost everyone has heard of the “wealthy Nigerian prince trying to send his diamonds to America” or the “free trip to the Bahamas, just send us your bank account num… Continue reading Phishing Protection

High Sierra and FileVault® Compatibility Issues

Many IT admins have been faced with a barrage of issues with managing Mac® users and systems as they have been upgrading their macOS® systems to High Sierra. One such issue is that High Sierra makes it difficult to turn on FileVault®, a … Continue reading High Sierra and FileVault® Compatibility Issues

IDaaS and the HIPAA Security Rule

The changing landscape of IT is giving organizations new opportunities to address compliance. One area to consider is IDaaS and the HIPAA Security Rule. The core of any compliance initiative is controlling user access to maintain and secure an organiza… Continue reading IDaaS and the HIPAA Security Rule