DevCentral’s Featured Member for August – Piotr Lewandowski

Piotr Lewandowski has been working in IT for well over 20 years – and not really conscious decision to go this way – just blind luck. He started in the era without Internet…yes, not so long ago it was possible to live without Internet J…and IBM PC/XT computers. Thanks to self-learning he managed to work […] Continue reading DevCentral’s Featured Member for August – Piotr Lewandowski

Q/A with SpringCM’s Joel Newton – DevCentral’s Featured Member for August

Joel Newton is a Senior DevOps System Engineer at SpringCM, a current DevCentral MVP and DevCentral’s Featured Member for August! SpringCM believes in leveraging technology to deliver immediate savings by automating and accelerating business processes – essentially, bringing the power of the cloud to contract and document management. SpringCM was using BIG-IP LTM to load-balance […] Continue reading Q/A with SpringCM’s Joel Newton – DevCentral’s Featured Member for August

Control It All with iControl

The concept of Application programming interfaces (APIs) has been around for a while. According to CSC Distinguished Engineer & Chief Product Architect (and bass player) Martin Bartlett, ‘The concept of an API pre-dates even the advent of personal computing, let alone the Web, by a very long time! The principal of a well-documented set of […] Continue reading Control It All with iControl