VPN attacks up nearly 2000% as companies embrace a hybrid workplace

Nuspire released a report which outlines new cybercriminal activity and tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs) with additional insight from Recorded Future. “As companies return to a hybrid workplace, it’s crucial that they are aware of the evolving… Continue reading VPN attacks up nearly 2000% as companies embrace a hybrid workplace

Cloud computing costs skyrocketing as businesses support a remote workforce

Anodot announced the results of a survey that reveals how organizations struggle to control skyrocketing cloud computing costs of the remote workforce, even as business moves to a hybrid model. In Q2 of 2021, more than 100 senior IT, finance, and opera… Continue reading Cloud computing costs skyrocketing as businesses support a remote workforce

Organizations leveraging Microsoft Teams exposed to potential risk

A survey conducted by Exec Survey and iGov Survey, reveals how over 200 unique organizations in the U.K. enabled seamless business continuity amid rapid societal change, where they face security challenges today, and what policies and procedures they a… Continue reading Organizations leveraging Microsoft Teams exposed to potential risk

Future of work driven by employees having the ability to work anywhere

While many business leaders are drawn to vaccine passports as a solution to bring their workforces back to the office full-time, Forrester predicts that 70% of US and European companies will pivot to a hybrid work model post-pandemic. In a hybrid model… Continue reading Future of work driven by employees having the ability to work anywhere

Remote working security concerns still lingering

Despite being over a year into remote working and looking ahead to likely shifts to hybrid remote/in-office working models, 82% of businesses still remain concerned about the security risks of employees working remotely. This is just one of the key ins… Continue reading Remote working security concerns still lingering

The everywhere workplace is here to stay

63% of respondents said they would rather work remotely than be promoted, and 48% said they would take a pay cut in exchange to be able to work from anywhere, an Ivanti survey reveals. Further validating the desire for remote work, only 12% of responde… Continue reading The everywhere workplace is here to stay

Returning to the office? Time to reassess privileged access permissions

As more of the population becomes vaccinated against COVID-19, organizations are preparing to return to the office. In the emerging hybrid environment, where employees can login from anywhere at any time, cybercriminals have an expanded attack surface … Continue reading Returning to the office? Time to reassess privileged access permissions

C-level cybersecurity attitudes as enterprises embrace the everywhere workplace

Ivanti unveiled the findings of a Frost & Sullivan study which investigates the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on cybersecurity and compliance attitudes and behaviors in Singapore, Australia and New Zealand. The impact of COVID-19 on business dem… Continue reading C-level cybersecurity attitudes as enterprises embrace the everywhere workplace

Top concerns for IT leaders planning for hybrid workplace environments

Employee engagement (56%), burnout (53%), and reduced productivity (52%) are top concerns for IT leaders in 2021 and beyond, as they continue to enable remote workers and plan for new, hybrid workplace environments, according to Wrike. Last year’s shif… Continue reading Top concerns for IT leaders planning for hybrid workplace environments

Push past zero trust barriers to securely connect the distributed workforce

If the past year has taught us anything, it’s that trusting a device simply because it originates from inside a corporate network is not a good idea. If an endpoint is unmanaged, it leaves the company vulnerable to attack. The move to widespread remote… Continue reading Push past zero trust barriers to securely connect the distributed workforce